What you need to know about Facial Droop, sagging face & wrinkles around the mouth

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Looking at your face in the mirror, you’ve noticed some new wrinkles around the mouth and some slight sagging on your jawline. But what can you do about it? Fix Facial Droop | Sagging Face & Wrinkles Around Mouth Treatment Glasgow. 

Well, yes, it is a natural part of getting older. However, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything that you can do about wrinkles and sagging. 

There are different treatments and home remedies that you can try to keep your skin looking good and shapely. You can use some essential oils and even plants oils for your wrinkles. 

You can opt for medical and even surgical options in more severe cases. These can include face and neck lifts and chemical peels, among others. 

Below in this article, we’ve outlined some of these different treatments. We’ve also gone into more details about facial sagging, facial drooping and wrinkles around the mouth. 

What is the difference between a sagging face and a facial droop? 

Sometimes people will confuse a facial droop with facial sagging. But there are some critical differences between the two conditions. 

A facial droop happens when there is nerve damage in your face. This nerve damage can prevent the muscles in your face from working correctly. In some cases, the nerve damage can either be permanent or temporary. 

In other cases, damage to part of the brain can also cause facial droop. Specifically, it’s damage to parts of the brain that send signals to the muscles in your face. 

Typically, only the lower half of your face will be affected by facial droop. In other, more severe cases, your whole face or a whole side of your face can be affected by facial droop. A facial droop can also affect your mouth or eyes, or both. 

Facial sagging, on the other hand, is a different condition. It’s considered a “cosmetic” condition that happens naturally over time and as people get older. 

The word “jowls” is often used to describe the sagging skin on your jawline and chin. Most people will develop jowls as they get older. This sagging is the result of your skin becoming thinner and losing its elasticity over time. 

If you have thicker skin, more collagen or more fat, jowls might be less noticeable in your face. In some lucky cases, people might not develop jowls because of their lifestyle choices, external factors, and genetics.

What causes a sagging face?

So now that we know the difference between facial sagging and drooping, it’s time to learn what causes facial sagging. Different factors can lead to facial sagging. 

One of the main factors contributing to facial sagging is the loss of collagen. Collagen is what gives your skin its elasticity. The collagen and our elastin work together in our skin to keep it firm and give your skin its shape. However, our collagen levels will decrease little by little as we get older. 

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Decreasing collagen levels is compounded by losing facial fat. Losing facial fat will make your face decrease in size. The low levels of all of these combined will result in your skin losing its elasticity which will cause your skin to sag. 

Treatment for a sagging face 

If you’ve noticed a bit of sagging in your face, you have a choice between non-surgical and surgical treatment. Both forms of treatment have their advantages and their risks. For example, just like with any surgical treatment, there are risks of the following: 

  • Sepsis
  • Complications from anaesthesia
  • Swelling from not healing properly
  • Internal bleeding
  • Bruising 
  • Nerve or muscle damage

Non-surgical treatment

You won’t need surgery to treat your facial sagging or jowls in some cases. These treatments can be conducted at outpatient facilities, and you need any general anaesthesia. 

These treatments won’t have as dramatic an effect as any surgical treatment, but they will have fewer risks. These treatments will include the following:

Dermal fillers 

To make your face less sagging, you can have dermal fillers injected into your chin and neck. These fillers are made from hyaluronic acid. Other fillers can assist your body boost its collagen production. 

Thermage jawline tightening 

This treatment involves using radiofrequency and heat energy to tighten your chin and neck skin. This procedure is done with a tool called a Thermatip. 

You can go for this treatment to ensure that your skin will stay tight. Aestheticians can do Thermage jawline tightening treatment in one day. You also won’t have to spend a long time recovering from this treatment.

Surgical treatment 

If the non-surgical options don’t appeal to you or if they don’t work for your facial sagging, then you can try some surgical treatment. You can have these treatments done in a cosmetic surgeon’s office or the hospital. 

Before you decide on any surgical treatment, you should speak to a surgeon before scheduling your treatment. This consultation before your surgery will help you know your surgeon and feel confident in them. 

Face or neck lift 

A neck lift is also known as a Lower Rhytidectomy. During this procedure, the surgeon gets rid of the fat, tightens muscles and rearranges the skin around your neck. 

This treatment will help shape your jawline. The surgeon will need to use general anaesthesia, and you will need a few days to a few weeks to recover from a neck lift. 

A complete facelift works similarly. The surgeon will rearrange the skin on the lower half of your face. Rearranging the skin here will ensure that your face and neck look the same. This is after removing the fat and tightening the muscles. 


During a liposuction procedure, the surgeon will use a microcannula to take away the fat from your chin. The surgeon will also rearrange the skin and your jawline to ensure that there isn’t sagging in the future. 

During the treatment, surgeons will put you under general anaesthesia. You will also need to spend a few days to a few weeks recovering from this treatment. 

What are mouth wrinkles?

We get wrinkles on our skin when it loses collagen. Collagen is what makes our skin supple and firm. 

As we get older, our skin will naturally lose some collagen. But there are other factors, such as some lifestyle habits, that can decrease your collagen levels a lot faster. The loss of collagen can lead to wrinkles being more prominent in specific areas around your face, such as the mouth. 

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Wrinkles are a natural part of getting older. But just because they are a natural part of getting older, it doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything to reduce the number of wrinkles we get. You can choose between medical and aesthetic or some natural treatments. 

Different types of mouth wrinkles 

Beauticians or aestheticians often call mouth wrinkles “perioral wrinkles.” This is just a broad term for lines that develop around your mouth and lips. But there are three different types of perioral wrinkles or mouth wrinkles. 

One of the first types of mouth wrinkles is Marionette Lines. These types of wrinkles will develop as we get older. 

These are vertical lines that can be seen from both sides of the mouth. These wrinkles will make your face look extra saggy. 

The next type of mouth wrinkle is the Smile Line. This is probably the most commonly known type of wrinkle. 

These lines appear on the sides of your mouth. They are also known as “Nasolabial folds. These folds or smile lines can easily be seen when you smile or laugh. Hence, the name “Smile Lines.” 

The third type of mouth wrinkle is Lipstick Line. This is when the lines can only be seen around your mouth and lips. 

They are also known as smoker’s lines or vertical lip lines. These lip wrinkles appear along your upper lip and on your lips as well. 

What causes wrinkles around the mouth? 

One of the first places you’ll start to get wrinkles on your face will be your lips and mouth. This can happen partly because of your skin thinning. 

Another reason is that the skin around the mouth already has less skin than other areas on your face. Every year, after you turn 20 years old, your skin will begin producing 1 per cent less collagen. 

There are other factors to consider regarding lines around your mouth and lips. These include the loss of glycosaminoglycans GAGs and elastin. These are also factors in skin hydration and elasticity. 

There are also external factors that can lead to premature wrinkles around your lips. These factors will lead to wrinkles appearing more quickly around your mouth. These factors include 

  • Sun damage
  • Smoking
  • Poor nutrition 
  • Stress
  • Genes
  • Dehydration

How to treat wrinkles around the mouth 

You do have options for reducing the number of wrinkles you have around your mouth. There are some natural home remedies that you can try. 

It would help if you kept in mind that these remedies will make wrinkles and fine lines less noticeable. However, it won’t make these wrinkles disappear completely. 

Natural treatment for mouth wrinkles 

Natural remedies for reducing mouth wrinkles include using Essential Oils and Plant Oils. Essential Oils have qualities that might assist with skin cell turnover and skin firmness. 

Before you use any diluted essential oils, you need to do a patch test. You can do this by applying essential oils to the inside of your elbow a few days before you plan to use the oils on your face. This test will ensure that you don’t have an allergic reaction to the essential oils. 

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You can use a small drop or two of essential oils on your fingertips. You can use your fingertips to apply the lips at least twice a day gently. 

Just remember that you shouldn’t apply the essential oils directly to your lips. It would be best if you considered using the following essential oils: 

  • Sandalwood oil (for its anti-inflammatory properties) 
  • Frankincense (to help boost cell turnover)
  • Lemon Essential Oil (This essential has antioxidants, but you can’t use it before you’re exposed to the sun)
  • Lavender (This essential oil has healing properties for wounds and anti-oxidative properties)

Normally, people use plant-based oils for cooking. But you can also use these oils as a spot treatment for your wrinkles. These oils can also moisturize your skin. 

Plant oils also contain fatty acids, which can increase your skin’s elasticity and improve your skin’s firmness. This oil can also decrease signs of photoaging from the sun. 

You can add a small drop of plant oil directly to your lips twice a day. This is unlike essential oils, which you can’t apply directly to your lips. You can try using the following plant-based oils:

  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Castor oil

Aesthetic and medical treatments 

You can use medical and aesthetic treatments to treat any deep wrinkles that you might have around your mouth. There are different treatment options that you can try. These treatments can include the following: 

Facelift: It’s also known as a Rhytidectomy. This procedure assists with prominent wrinkles and sagging around the mouth area. However, most cosmetic surgeons consider a Facelift a major procedure. 

Chemical peel: This is one of the most well-known treatments for skincare. You can go for a chemical peel once a month. 

Botox: This treatment is commonly used for treating wrinkles around the eyes, but you can use it to treat wrinkles around your mouth and lips. This treatment can also be used to treat Marionette Lines. 

Laser Skin Resurfacing: This procedure is a more invasive treatment for wrinkles. Unlike other wrinkle treatments, you only need to have this treatment once every few months. However, there is a risk of accidental scarring. 

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion: These are exfoliating treatments that you can use to make your mouth wrinkles less noticeable. With Dermabrasion, a larger brush is used to eliminate the outer layer and several layers of skin. On the other hand, in microdermabrasion, a diamond-tipped wand or fine crystals are used to get rid of the upper layer of your skin. 

Other aesthetic treatments for mouth wrinkles include Microneedling and Platelet-rich plasma. 

In conclusion

It’s important to know the difference between facial sagging and a facial droop. Sagging happens over time as we get older. Our skin gets thinner over time and loses collagen. Low collagen means that your skin loses its shape and firmness. 

On the other hand, the facial droop can result from a more serious condition, such as nerve damage in the face. This nerve damage can lead to your muscles not functioning properly. 

In most cases, a facial droop will affect the lower part of your face. Sometimes, a facial droop can affect a whole side of your face or even your whole face in more severe cases. 

There are plenty of treatments available out there. You can choose from natural home remedies to aesthetic and surgical procedures. 

Each of these treatments has its risks and advantages. It’s important to consult a professional before you rush to get under the knife.













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