10 Tips on How to Tame Flyaways After Straightening Hair

how to tame flyaways after straightening hair

Oh, how we hate flyaways! These hard to tame and pesky hair strands stick out of nowhere and ruin every hairstyle. Worse, it comes out even more after straightening, which accentuates its presence. If you’re struggling with the same thing, you’re not alone. For someone with thick hair, flyaways are always part of my life. Over the years, I’ve come up with a workaround that will help tame this stubborn hair. In this post, I will share tips on how to tame flyaways after straightening hair without too much effort.

What causes flyaways?

how to tame flyaways after straightening hair

Flyaways can be due to a lot of things. If you’re straightening, static is the common culprit. What happens is that your hair absorbs the moisture in the air, which lifts it up – thus, flyaways.

All hair types can form flyaways, but those with straight hair are more prone to this problem. Stick-straight hair gives in easily to static. Also, the slightest flyaway will be highly visible on straight hair, unlike those with curly or wavy hair.

Also, the finer your hair is, the higher the chance you’ll develop flyaways. You should know that your susceptibility to flyaways changes, depending on the humidity level and the season. 

If the weather is on your side, the culprit could be hair damage. Too much styling and excessive product application will also take their toll on your locks. And as the cuticle peels away, the fibers get exposed, and it lifts from your hair. The damage will add up and cause a massive case of flyaway hair.

It’s also possible that the flyaway is just a short strand waiting to grow. This is why you should avoid trimming stubborn hair.

How to tame flyaways after straightening hair

how to tame flyaways after straightening hair

If you’re tired of your flyaways, the following are the effective solutions I’ve tried. See which one will tame the unruly hair:

Grow out of it

First of all, flyaways can be short hairs that are just taking their time to grow. Wait for a few months and see if it will even out naturally. I’ve encountered this before near my crown, and it became long enough after three months.

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Avoid the urge to cut the hair. Doing so will only make the flyaway stick around forever. I know that waiting for hair to grow will test your patience. But just hang in there, and you’ll thank yourself for not grabbing the scissors.

Pin it down

If you’re styling and don’t have the time for time-consuming solutions, just use a hair clip and pin the flyaway down. However, this is only an ideal solution if the unruly hair is located on a single spot.

While waiting for the flyaway hair to grow, you can also use a clip to hide it for a while. Smooth the flyaway with your fingers and slide the pin under to catch the stubborn hair.

Use a lot of conditioner

Dry and frizzy hair will have flyaways all over. This is hard to solve with hairpins alone. Remember that dryness can be easily solved with the right moisturizer. Every time you will wash your hair, slather your tresses with conditioner.

Personally, I don’t set limits on how much conditioner I’m going to use since I’ll wash it anyway. Make sure that you massage the conditioner all over your hair, scalp, and tips. Rinse it well and dry it properly.

Based on my experience, washing with a conditioner will show instant results after drying. And, if possible, limit the times you straighten your hair. The excess heat will defeat the repairing effect of your conditioner and other hair products.

Trick it with hairspray

Another on-the-go solution that I use is spritzing the flyaways with hairspray. Once you’re done straightening, spritz some hairspray on the areas with flyaways. Don’t forget to smooth it with your fingers or palms, so it sticks to the other strands.

However, avoid hairsprays with a very strong hold because it will give you ‘helmet hair’. Also, be modest in applying hairsprays and make sure that it complements the other products you initially applied to your hair.  Also, choose a light formula, so it doesn’t weigh your hair down.

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Use the right hair serum

If you don’t like using hairsprays, the next best solution is a hair serum. Just apply a small amount to your finger or palm then rub it to the flyaway hair. The product will help the hair stick to the other strands without making your hair stiff.

However, the only problem I see with hair serums is it leaves a shiny finish. If your crown tends to be covered with flyaways, using a serum all over may give you a wet look. Like with hairsprays, always be modest with the amount you’re going to use because serums can weigh your hair down.

Switch to a microfiber towel

I’ve said this before, and I’m going to emphasize it again: never towel-dry except when using microfiber. Polyester towels have rough strands, and if you rub your hair with it, the fibers will get damaged. It will make your hair frizzy, and the flyaways will show up once you straighten your tresses.

Although fluffy towels feel good on the skin, it takes their toll on your hair. Over time, these towels will cause tiny breakages on your hair.

With microfiber towels, your hair dries faster. Also, it’s less likely to damage the cuticles of your hair.

Blow-dry in a downward direction

Another trick that I discovered is that blow drying at a downward position will help tame flyaways. The heat will flatten the unruly hair, so it becomes less visible. However, there’s a twist: you should avoid using plastic combs since they will form static. Use a wood comb instead to prevent bringing back the flyaways.

You can also use a round brush but observe a roll and pull method, so your hair straightens while minimizing stubborn hair.

Also, avoid using too much heat as it can damage your hair and defeat the purpose of this technique.

Don’t brush your dry hair

Yes, you heard it right. Brushing your hair dry will only make more flyaways due to frizz. Hairbrushes are common culprits when it comes to flyaways, especially if you don’t use it right. Again, for dry hair, I recommend a wood comb.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t brush your hair when it’s dripping wet. Wait for it to become damp before performing any form of styling.

Swatch it with lip balm

Desperate times call for desperate measures. If any solutions above aren’t available at the moment, an on-the-go solution is to swab a lip balm to the unruly hair. It has the same effect as using a serum. And since lip balms are packed with moisturizing ingredients, you wouldn’t worry about damaging your hair.

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However, you should use this sparingly. Too much lip balm will make a weird spot in your hair. Also, it’s sticky and will attract dirt.

Always use a heat protection

If you can’t avoid using hot tools for your hair, make sure that you apply a hair protector first. You can find this product in spray form for easy application. Simply mist it into your hair and let it simmer down for at least five minutes before styling.

A heat protector prevents heat from producing more rogue strands. But as much as you can, skip heat when styling.

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Final words

Knowing how to tame flyaways after straightening hair is a styling hack everyone should know. It prevents rogue strands from ruining your look. Aside from that, it prevents further damages on your hair, which is the main culprit to flyaways. The good thing is that it only takes a few simple steps to get rid of this problem.

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