The Best Anti-Aging Secrets

Are you more tired easily? Do you find it harder to sleep at night? Wrinkles appearing on your skin every time you look in the mirror? Hair growing thin and nails breaking easily? Keep reading to find out how you can reverse the aging process. 

crop senior woman applying eye patches
Photo by Teona Swift on


Maintaining good hydration is the top priority. Water gives us energy, without it, you would be a rug on the floor. As the human body depends on water to live. We are after all made up roughly sixty percent of it. There are so many benefits of drinking water. Drinking the right amount daily can help you lose weight, improve skin conditions and flush your body of toxins. Keeping your body hydrated inside and out will make you feel your best. 

Your skin should be taken care of and hydrated just like the rest of you. Getting a good lotion or facial cream that has this nourishment will leave your skin feeling smooth and free. Keeping your skin well maintained promotes skin elasticity. Meaning fewer fine lines and wrinkles for you. There are dozens of different eye creams and serums to help focus the hydration on more problem areas, such as dark circles. It’s definitely worth looking into your skin type. Combination, dry or oily skin differs from each person. You should just go with whatever works the best for your skin. 

It doesn’t hurt to give your hair a break every now and then. Washing your hair every day is bad for you because you are stripping your hair of the natural oil it produces to keep your scalp healthy and hydrated. Washing it too often can cause damage and hair loss. Instead, try to wash your hair every two to three days instead and feel the difference.

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Did you know that your body needs more vitamins as it increases in age? Vitamins like: B12, fiber, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and probiotics. Vitamins are often found in the food we eat and the healthy aging supplements your body needs. By taking supplements, your day-to-day life will be easier as you do not have to worry if you are getting enough.

What does B12 do for your body? B12 is a vitamin that you can find over-the-counter. Its main goal is to keep your nervous system functioning. It has other tasks like producing your DNA and red blood cells. You can find B12 in foods that produce it naturally: eggs, dairy, red meats, and fish. Becoming deficient in this vitamin can have you feeling tired and lightheaded. Heart palpitations and shortness of breath will soon follow. 

fresh papaya and citrus fruits delicious composition

Zinc is not made naturally by your body and yet it is influential to have when trying to stay well. It is available as a dietary supplement. It helps your body to fight off illnesses and bacteria. What does zinc protect?  If you guessed the immune system, you are absolutely right. There are a few foods that you might find this supplement in meat, legumes, seeds, dairy, shellfish, and whole grains.

Potassium helps keep your muscles contracting as you move so they don’t get stiff. Keeps your body fluid balanced and regulates your nerve signals. A diet higher in potassium can help with water retention, and even protect you against kidney stones, osteoporosis, and strokes. Without potassium, your energy will start to fail physically and mentally. Besides bananas that are high in potassium, there are other options. Cantaloupes and oranges are easy to fit into your diet. Along with tomatoes and chicken. You could make an oven-baked chicken Parmesan with fresh tomatoes on the side for a healthy dinner.

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Magnesium deficiency can cause anxiety and lack of emotion. In more extreme states it can cause delirium and even a coma. It’s good for bone health and cardiovascular health. Some studies show that magnesium therapy can help prevent migraine headaches. You can often find this supplement in spinach, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts.

Fiber, it is plant-based. So you would expect it to be found in fruits and vegetables, but it is also found in grains and some beans and nuts. It helps to flush your digestive system and make sure that your large intestine has ease of access. Fiber can also help to get rid of cholesterol.

Probiotics are healthy microorganisms that provide benefits to your body by improving your gut health and digestion. The most common food source of probiotics is yogurt. Plus, you can also find them in pickles and some cheeses.

Taking a multivitamin once a day should also help improve your health overall. Biotin can help strengthen your hair as it may grow thinner and thinner the more time goes on. You also want your nails to grow nice and healthy, brittle nails can be extremely bothersome. Not to mention painful if you break them fairly often.

 At the very least, you should stay hydrated and have a multivitamin. You should maintain a typically healthy diet if possible, we all know how hard that is! Do not give up on yourself just because you forget to take your vitamin or you were too tired for that afternoon walk. Its progress, not perfection.


No, we’re not going to tell you to go work out or stop relaxing on the couch. We will, however, recommend a few things to keep you active. Keeping up with the household chores. No one likes a dirty house. Even if it involves you taking out the trash every two days, you should do it to keep your heart pumping and blood flowing. Staying active will help increase your blood flow and blood pressure. 

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There are tons of exercises you can do at home without putting too much strain on your body. Ten leg lifts daily could significantly improve your stamina and physique. If you like swimming more, you would probably prefer an aerobics swim class. 

It can be something simple, go on a walk. Try to get into the routine of walking on a regular schedule. Perhaps you have a dog you could walk?  If you do decide to get into the swing of this walking thing, it will become more natural the more you do it. You should also be sure to wear comfortable shoes. As you do not want to remain as comfortable as possible while working those leg muscles.

Because the truth is, there is no magic serum or lotion or medicine that can make you go back in time. What you can do is appreciate and love the body that you have now and take the best care of it that you can so that you feel great inside your own skin. However, if you are completely set on attempting to turn back the clock, you may be interested in cosmetic procedures. You won’t be 22 again but you’ll definitely get carded for your ID. 
There is an abundance of medical procedures that are proven to work for ‘reversing’ the aging process. So many options to choose from: you could get a facelift, Radiofrequency skin tightening, botox or you could talk to your medical specialist of choice to discuss what would be the best choice for you. Jae Pak MD is one of the numerous professionals in this field that work cosmetically to provide these wonderful results.

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