How to Properly Blow Dry Your Hair in Middle Age?

If the words blow dry trigger thoughts of frizz and a sore arm, you’re in the right place. Blow drying can be a dreadful step in your haircare regimen. The good news is, with the right techniques, a salon-quality blow out can be achieved right from your bathroom. Continue to read for a step-by-step guide on mastering the art of blow drying in your middle age.

How to Properly Blow Dry Your Hair in Middle Age?

Pre-Blow Drying

It is essential to properly prepare your strands to endure heat. Here are a few pre-blow drying measures to take:

  1. Use a microfiber towel to soak up excess moisture. You shouldn’t blow dry your hair when it is sopping wet. To avoid frizz and save yourself time, carefully blot your wet strands with a microfiber towel. Allow your hair to dry at least 50% before picking up the blow dryer.
  2. Separate your hair into sections. It can be helpful (and less overwhelming) to separate the hair into several sections to ensure your hair is completely dry. There is no golden rule as to how to section your hair, but the sections should be small enough to manage.
  3. Use a heat protectant. There are no exceptions to skipping this step! Heat can permanently damage your hair shaft and alter your curl pattern. A heat-protectant will serve as a shield against heat. Step #2 allows for a more thorough application of a heat-protectant.

Blow Drying

It’s time to blow dry. Use these techniques to maximize your blow-drying efficiency.

  1. Understand your heat settings. High heat works best to change your hair’s shape, medium heat is for pre-drying your locks, and cool air sets a style. For example, if you’re going for bouncy curls, you should roll them with a round brush, blow with hot air, and then set with cool air.
  2. Start by drying the lower layers with a brush, on high heat. Dry the neckline and sides of your head first, and work your way towards the front. Always keep the blow dryer moving to completely dry every strand without over-doing one section.
  3. Take advantage of your blow-dryer’s attachments! A diffuser or concentrator nozzle can work wonders on controlling air flow to provide a smoother finish. The attachment should be placed in the same direction as the handle of the dryer, not perpendicular to it.
  4. Hold your blow-dryer 6 inches away. To minimize heat exposure, it is best to keep your dryer 6 inches away from your head.
  5. Blow in the right direction. For the roots, blow in the opposite direction of which your hair is parted. So, if you part your hair to the left, blow it to the right. This technique will give your roots a boost in volume. On the other hand, for your ends, blow in a downward direction to increase smoothness.
  6. For extra volume, flip your hair upside down. If voluminous, full hair is your desired look, try turning your hair upside down towards the end of your blow-drying session. While doing so, brush your hair downwards, keeping the blow dryer behind the brush.
  7. Before finishing, double check that all strands are dry. Pat down your hair to make sure all sections of your hair are dry. If parts are still cold to the touch, then continue drying. Leaving your hair damp can allow your natural curl pattern to peak through.
  8. Lastly, set your blow-out with cool air. Cool air will seal the cuticles and set flyaways into place.
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Post-Blow Drying

You’re almost done! Here are the final steps to nail down your blow-drying routine.

  1. Apply hair oil after you blow-dry. Aging hair can often feel dry and brittle, so reach for an oil to restore hydration and increase shine.
  2. Or, use an alcohol-free hairspray. A light hairspray can keep your blowout in place and keep frizz at bay.

Ready, Set, Go!

You officially have the tips and tricks needed to properly blow dry your hair in your middle age. The correct blow drying techniques can leave your hair bouncy and voluminous as if you just walked out of the salon.

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