What is Best for Ingrown Hair: The Complete Guide

What is Best for Ingrown Hair: The Complete Guide 1

Ingrown hair may be extremely uncomfortable for some time. There may also be some cases where ingrown hairs become infected. Some are trying to squeeze it or pick it up. Yet, it is a good thing that there are lots of best things for ingrown hair available to effectively get rid of it with less pain. Check here for helpful ways to prevent that ingrown hair from building up on their heads.

What are ingrown hairs?

Generally, ingrown hairs occur once the growing hairs were trapped beneath the skin’s surface. Due to this, the hairs begin to move back down inside the skin as they grow. This body phenomenon seems that ingrown hairs have a mind to basically do what they need to do and rather curl back. People having these ingrown hairs may tend to have an infection within the affected spot afterwards.

These hairs look like a little bump which is usually tan or pink in color underneath the skin. Most of the time, the ingrown hairs are seen as small pinpoint within the underlying hair just below the skin bump. Meanwhile, there will be various red or pink minute bumps within the hair follicles on skin areas where hair grows normally. This can be basically observed in most serious cases.

During the stage of puberty, ingrown hairs may occur as the most popular skin condition for this age group. These hairs can be found commonly in body parts where there is the presence of coarse hairs such as the beard in men and the bikini area in women. Moreover, the growth of ingrown hair may also vary depending on the texture or racial group. Generally, African Americans who tend to have thicker and curlier hairs have the highest rate of ingrown hair growth.

Actually, the presence of ingrown hairs does not call for worry as it is harmless. But, in terms of the aesthetic field, it usually ends up to cosmetic disfiguration. Along with this, it may generally result in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or skin discoloration, scarring, and skin infection. Moreover, in rare cases, there will also be the formation of a keloid scar.

Where do ingrown hairs come from?

There are actually various factors that may generally trigger the growth of ingrown hairs. Here are some of the common causes of ingrown hairs:

  • Sharp hair tip due to cut near or underneath the opening of a hair follicle
  • Improper shaving methods
  • Hair removal techniques such as waxing
  • Friction due to wearing of tight clothing
  • Blockage of too much dead skin debris to the opening of the hair follicle

Signs and symptoms of ingrown hair

Here are some of the characterizations of ingrown hair:

  • Itch and tenderness within the area
  • There is the presence of an inflammatory reaction from a foreign body that is usually localized. This may lead to skin bumps that have a sharp red or pink color.
  • Moreover, other bumps are characterized by slightly red spot or bumps with the light-red halo. This generally indicates inflammation.
  • There are times that curled hair is highly noticeable within the middle of the bump.
  • If there is a newly shaved area, there will be small pustules or red bumps that are typically dry and highly scattered. These bumps may generally begin from few days up to weeks subsequent to the hair removal process. And once the hair grows again, it generally gets worse.
  • In case you notice pustules, it is actually a great indication of folliculitis which results from the infection with the Staphylococcus bacteria, the common bacteria of the skin.
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Best Thing for Ingrown Hair Prevention

It is not only the hair in your head which can give you a bad hair day. Actually, the presence of ingrown hair in your body may basically ruin your day. So, to avoid such thing from the occurrence, below is the list of the best thing for ingrown hair prevention.

Glycolic or Lactic Acid

Like what we’ve said, one of the reasons why ingrown hair occurs is due to the blockade of the exfoliation by the dead skin cells. Generally, the process of exfoliation supports the prevention of ingrown hair occurrence through the speeding up of dead skin cells removal within the skin’s surface. The build-up of the dead skin cells basically creates that barrier to let the hair grows out.

Actually, glycolic acid is the best thing for ingrown hair as it has the ability to break the build-up of sebum and dead skin cells on the hair follicle’s opening. Meanwhile, for those who have dark skin types, the regular application of topical glycolic acid products does its job effectively. Generally, ingrown hairs on dark skin make pesky marks of pigmentation. Moreover, the glycolic acid product is the best thing for ingrown hair especially in dark skin as it acts to blur the marks over time.

Salicylic acid

Another best thing for ingrown hair prevention is salicylic acid. This product is actually popular as acne treatment substance. But, it may also do the trick in addressing the issue on ingrown hairs. The regular exfoliation will generally eradicate the build-up of dead skin cells within the skin’s surface. Moreover, the skin may also become smoother through the use of salicylic acid.

Body brush

One amazing and best thing for ingrown hair prevention is the use of dry body brush. It basically works by doing an immediate scrub prior to every shower session. This dry brushing technique will basically result to cell turnover for the purpose of lesser clogged pores to normally allow the hair to grow.

Body scrub

Generally, the body scrub is a quick fix within the shower for almost all girls out there. Moreover, this is also the best thing for ingrown hair because they will help in revealing the newer skin cells. Aside from that, they also act in stimulating the skin.

Body scrubs containing sugar is a good choice for those ingrown hairs within the thigh or bikini line. This product is actually more delicate on sensible areas compared to microbeads. Ideally, you can use this product for about once or twice a week to see a noticeable result.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is actually the best thing for ingrown hair prevention especially if you’ve almost tried almost every technique in getting rid of ingrown hair. The way it works is basically different as it does not target the skin. It highly damages the root by creating a beeline for the hair follicle. Moreover, laser hair removal is one of the effective methods of getting rid of unnecessary ingrown hair in the long run.

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However, it is very important to take note that taking this process may help in the increase reduction of hair and not removed permanently. Meanwhile, the whole treatment session under the laser hair removal typically works on a four-week interval. This aims to get the hair at the right phase and once any session had been missed out, ingrown hair re-growth would take place.

Hair removal cream

Initially, most people assume that the best thing for ingrown hair prevention is shaving. However, doing this may be the greatest culprit of ingrown hair growth. Basically, once you shave the hair it will eventually grow back. But, this time, the ingrown hair may typically have a sharper tip and can poke back within the skin easily.

So, to help you address this concern, you may consider using a delicate hair removal cream in line with the shaving process. Aside from that, the hair removal cream will incorporate additional slip on the skin as it guarantees that the blade doesn’t drag. Doing this can also prevent any irritation in sensitive skin areas. At the same time, in order to prevent drying of the skin, choose an alcohol-free and a formula for sensitive skin.

Best blade

Since we are already talking about shaving, another best thing for ingrown hair is the use of the best blade during the shaving process. Actually, disposable blades can dull too quickly and create uneven bumps. This will only exaggerate the growth of ingrown hair. That’s the reason why you need to invest on the best razor blades and some pairs of it so that reusing the same one would not be done over and over.

Moreover, another best thing for ingrown hair is an electrical shaver. Its advantage over the manual razor is that it doesn’t trim the hair near to the skin. Because of that, it just ensures that there would be no ingrows or re-growth that is itchy. Additionally, the electrical shaver is a good option if you want to have a completely smooth feel. It is also good if you can use aftershave creams.


Using a tweezer in getting of ingrown hairs is not actually the ideal method to do. But, some consider it as the best thing for ingrown hair prevention. If you have no choice but to use it, just make sure that you do the right thing properly.

Actually, the safe way to tweeze the ingrown hair is during the moment that you can see any hair. Gently pull the hair when it is fresh and close to the skin’s surface. For safety, it is better to sterilize it in the first place.

Topical and oral antibiotics

If you are already experiencing infection due to ingrown hair, then antibiotic is the best thing for ingrown hair eradication. The antibiotics may actually come in either topical or oral form. More serious cases of ingrown hair infection that already creates pustules and abscesses necessitate the need for antibiotics. Here are the common antibiotics that might be of great help to address the issue of ingrown hair.

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Topical antibiotics – the best examples for this category are the Erythromycin and the Clindamycin.

Topical antibacterial – it includes Benzoyl peroxide

The two categories of antibiotics may be highly beneficial in the reduction of the growth of skin bacteria. Additionally, they are the best treatment for secondary infection.

Oral antibiotics – these include the Tetracycline or Cephalexin; they are generally indicated for controlling the infected pustules or the prevention of the abscess development.

Antibacterial washesBenzoyl peroxide and Chlorhexidine are the best examples; they actually control the progress of infection and can be effective if used once or twice a day.

Topical creamEflornithine is actually a prescription cream that can be applied on the infected skin. It works by reducing the rate of hair growth through the twice a day application for about one to two months. For individuals having too much facial hair or pseudofolliculitis barbae, this topical cream is helpful for being a long-term treatment.

Fading creams

Generally, fading creams are the best thing for ingrown hair that also includes discoloration of the skin around the area. This type of product is divided into two categories – the prescribed and the over-the-counter products. Both of these fading creams support in the improvement of the residual or persistent skin discoloration.

Prescribed fading creams – Hydroquinone 4%

Over-the-counter fading creams – Kojic acid or Azelaic acid with 2% hydroquinone

The Do’s and Don’ts When It Comes to Ingrown Hair

The best thing for ingrown hair is to prevent it and making them be better in a quick manner. Here are the do’s and don’ts that you need to consider in terms of the ingrown hair:


  • When you opt to shave the area within the ingrown hair, better to wet the skin first using warm water. Doing this may give you a duller hair with rounded edge thus decreasing the possibilities of the hair to reenter into the skin.
  • Moreover, during the shaving process, do it in the direction where the hairs are growing
  • As much as possible, draw just a few strokes using the razor
  • After each stroke, do not forget to rinse the razor
  • In order to reduce skin irritation, take a cool, wet cloth to the skin after the shaving process.
  • If you are focusing on the beard area, wash it with a wet sponge, washcloth, or toothbrush with soft bristles and a bar of mild soap. Do this within several minutes through the circular motion to dislodge the unwanted edges.
  • You can also apply salt and sugar, examples of mild exfoliators which are also natural in form. These can treat any redness and irritation that are in line with the ingrown hair.


  • Do not shave too near as creating some stubble can prevent the bacteria to get in
  • Use a blunt razor is not advisable; instead, go for a new and sharp single-blade razor on each shaving session.
  • Scratching and squeezing the ingrown hair is also a no-no as it can havoc your skin and may cause infection.

Final Thoughts

The best thing for ingrown hair usually comes in a wide range of products. Some of it is generally available over the market; others may be easily done at home, while few of those things can be performed with the assistance of a medical professional. Moreover, you just need to have an idea about the signs and symptoms of the ingrown hair so that you address it appropriately.

Additionally, doing some of the techniques in getting rid of the ingrown hair should be done properly. Through that, you can have smooth, flawless skin.

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